
Training Courses


Training Courses

Your Destiny Awaits

Sharon Restrepo Boks


Women At War Training

Women At War

Real Estate Training

Real Estate

Sharon's Books

Women At War

Daughters of the King - It's Time to Live Your Promises. The Women at War bible study empowers women to pray, communicate with God, engage with the Holy Spirit and stop toxic thoughts and unhealthy habits. You will learn how to apply 1 Timothy 1:18 to your life and go to war for your promises. The results are miraculous!

Women at War shares bible study teachings and scriptural lessons you will use to improve your walk with the Lord in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.

The Women at War Workbook is the perfect companion and helps you glean from the revelation in the Book.

The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unique in that it is custom-designed for the "Journaler" in you - giving you the ability to insert your own Table of Contents, titles and page numbers so you can easily refer back to special moments, dreams and revelation.

Enjoy the Women at War bible study in the way that you learn best.

  • Enjoy the training on your own as an e-course with 24/7 access over one year!

  • Enjoy the training as an e-course along with your sisters-in-Christ in a hands-on, mentor guided Women at War Boot Camp!

  • Enjoy reading and working through the books with hard copies in your hands when you purchase them on Amazon.

Exposing The Truth Behind The Lies of Real Estate Investing

In one of my most popular books, I expose the TOP TEN MYTHS that hinder real estate investors from succeeding at, or even starting to invest in real estate!

This book is the perfect way to get to know more about the TRUTH of real estate investing & my in-depth knowledge!

Exposing The Truth Behind The Lies of Real Estate Investing

In one of my most popular books, I expose the TOP TEN MYTHS that hinder real estate investors from succeeding at, or even starting to invest in real estate!

This book is the perfect way to get to know more about the TRUTH of real estate investing & my in-depth knowledge!

Destroy Toxic Thoughts

There was a time I had crippling anxiety and resulting health issues too. I was miserable and knew this could NOT be of God. I learned to battle my way out and you can too. In this book I teach you how - nothing is impossible with the Lord!

Get my FREE BOOK Now & Learn more about praying effectively, specifically battling anxiety, fear & worry!

Finding Mr. Right Now

Every single, single lady needs this God-inspired guide for seeking God's direction in finding their soul mate!

Based on my own life story of marrying the world's way the first time and His way next, I help you identify God's plan when it comes to friendship, dating and faith for your God-chosen spouse!

Finding Mr. Right Now

Every single, single lady needs this God-inspired guide for seeking God's direction in finding their soul mate!

Based on my own life story of marrying the world's way the first time and His way next, I help you identify God's plan when it comes to friendship, dating and faith for your God-chosen spouse!

The Power of Proverbs

Power of Proverbs is a 31-day daily devotional based on the book of Proverbs with daily lessons and action steps.

This study should be repeated monthly until you are experiencing a deeper, more powerful relationship with Jesus Christ!

Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encourager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does.

Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

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[email protected]

Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138