
Women At War

Your Destiny Awaits

Sharon Restrepo Boks


Women At War Training

Women At War

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Sharon's Books & Programs

Women At War Boot Camp

You'll learn how to apply His strategies to every area of your life and especially your prayer life.

You will become equipped to face the battles we face as women in today's fast-paced world. Discover how to receive and maintain the freedom Christ went to the cross to give you!

Women At War Book Set

This amazing book features both Women at War I and Women at War II Bible Studies. It is THE training that teaches women how to walk in their authority in Christ as Daughters of the King. Learn how to pray more effectively, how to hear God yourself, how to walk more deeply with Jesus and in the gifts He has given you and in a lifestyle of victory where all of His promises are yes, and in Him, Amen! It's time to become a Woman at War!

Be sure to purchase the accompanying Women at War Workbook offered at a separate Amazon link.

Women At War Book

This amazing book features both Women at War I and Women at War II Bible Studies. It is THE training that teaches women how to walk in their authority in Christ as Daughters of the King. Learn how to pray more effectively, how to hear God yourself, how to walk more deeply with Jesus and in the gifts He has given you and in a lifestyle of victory where all of His promises are yes, and in Him, Amen! It's time to become a Woman at War!

Be sure to purchase the accompanying Women at War Workbook offered at a separate Amazon link.

Women At War Workbook

The Workbook compliments the Bible Study training course perfectly as it is the War Plan that equips you in taking what you learn in the Bible Study and making it a lifestyle. The addition of the Workbook War Plan is a game-changer! It's not enough just to learn how to walk with must apply what you learn. The War Plan helps you do just that.

Grab the Women at War Breakthrough Prayer Journal Too!

The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unique because it is created to help guide you on your journey to Breakthrough. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unlike any typical store-bought journal. It provides a blank Table of Contents so you can fill it in yourself, including page numbers to locate specific entries as you journal revelation, important events, dreams, prophetic words and other significant entries. It provides a location to enter the start and end dates of your journal entries and includes Words of Encouragement to help you stay focused on victory, use His weapons of warfare, and of course, keep your eyes on Jesus!

As someone who has journaled for years, I wanted a journal I could easily refer back to when trying to locate a specific timeframe, event, dream or prophetic word I had entered. I had to go through piles of journals and search for highlighted sections. I wished I had an easier way to find what I was seeking. All of those missing features are no longer missing and you can benefit too.

For believers, daily journaling is imperative. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is created to help you take a 7-week journey toward Breakthrough.

Grab the Women at War Breakthrough Prayer Journal Too!

The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unique because it is created to help guide you on your journey to Breakthrough. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is unlike any typical store-bought journal. It provides a blank Table of Contents so you can fill it in yourself, including page numbers to locate specific entries as you journal revelation, important events, dreams, prophetic words and other significant entries. It provides a location to enter the start and end dates of your journal entries and includes Words of Encouragement to help you stay focused on victory, use His weapons of warfare, and of course, keep your eyes on Jesus!

As someone who has journaled for years, I wanted a journal I could easily refer back to when trying to locate a specific timeframe, event, dream or prophetic word I had entered. I had to go through piles of journals and search for highlighted sections. I wished I had an easier way to find what I was seeking. All of those missing features are no longer missing and you can benefit too.

For believers, daily journaling is imperative. The Breakthrough Prayer Journal is created to help you take a 7-week journey toward Breakthrough.

The E-Package Includes Online Access to Women at War's Online Training Platform

The E-package gives purchasers 24/7 online access to the Women at War online training platform for a full year, which includes a PDF of both the Women at War Book and Women at War Workbook, which may be read online or downloaded on any device, as well as Audio of the book to listen to here or on your own device. ALSO included are powerful recorded training webinars further explaining the depth of each topic.

The E-package may be purchased separately from the hard copies or purchased separately as a great compliment to the Women at War Book and Workbook hard copies.

21-Day Battle for Financial Breakthrough

Feeling anxious about money matters? Tired of living in lack and "just getting by?"

King's kids don't chase money! Money is a tool for Kingdom purpose, yet it escapes many. It's time for biblical revelation over this area of your life!

The financial breakthrough battle will change your finances so that you can do the things God has called you to do and live the life that He's called you to live. Do Kings live in lack? I didn't think so either!

21-Day Battle for Financial Breakthrough

Feeling anxious about money matters? Tired of living in lack and "just getting by?"

King's kids don't chase money! Money is a tool for Kingdom purpose, yet it escapes many. It's time for biblical revelation over this area of your life!

The financial breakthrough battle will change your finances so that you can do the things God has called you to do and live the life that He's called you to live. Do Kings live in lack? I didn't think so either!

Destroy Toxic Thoughts

There was a time I had crippling anxiety & the health issues it came with too. I knew it was NOT God and fought my way out. I want to teach you how to do the same!

Get my FREE BOOK Now & Learn more about praying effectively!

21-Day Battle to Destroy Toxic Thoughts

The 21-Day Video e-Course workshop takes you on a simple, scripturally powerful daily journey of biblically-based lessons to defeat anxiety!

Author, Sharon Restrepo, leads you in an easy to follow daily homework journey specifically created to bring freedom in Christ to God's Daughters suffering with anxiety and worry!

Take your thought-life battle to the next level and register now to begin your journey of victory!

21-Day Battle to Destroy Toxic Thoughts

The 21-Day Video e-Course workshop takes you on a simple, scripturally powerful daily journey of biblically-based lessons to defeat anxiety!

Author, Sharon Restrepo, leads you in an easy to follow daily homework journey specifically created to bring freedom in Christ to God's Daughters suffering with anxiety and worry!

Take your thought-life battle to the next level and register now to begin your journey of victory!

Finding Mr. Right Now

Every single, single lady needs this God-inspired guide for seeking God's direction in finding their soul mate.

Sharon helps readers identify God's plan for them when it comes to friendship, dating and faith for a mate.

The Power of Proverbs

Power of Proverbs is a 31-day daily devotional based on the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

This study will equip believers to engage in a deeper, more powerful relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Power of Proverbs

Power of Proverbs is a 31-day daily devotional based on the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

This study will equip believers to engage in a deeper, more powerful relationship with Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

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Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138